What does it mean to take the Pledge?
When you commit to taking the pledge you stand with a growing global movement of leaders who stand united against trafficking of every type. You created hope for millions.
What can you expect when you take the Pledge?
When you take the Timbelo Pledge, you can expect Timbelo to fortify you and your organization with a Timbelo Toolkit. Your Toolkit will contain a press release, trafficking identification tips, social media graphics and posts, a monthly e-news, a Pledge Badge to display, and connection events to local frontline abolitionists and survivors.
What do we need from you?
We need you to sign-up to take the Pledge. Our Cause Specialist will reach out to meet with you. We need you to identify an organizational sponsor to work with us moving forward. Our CS will review the Toolkit with your Sponsor at the meeting and from there we begin to change the world!
Our Pledge against human trafficking.
We Pledge
We pledge to stand against trafficking by vowing to honor the inherent worth and potential of every human being.
We pledge to uphold that no life will be bought, sold, or bartered for any reason.
We pledge to stand for the inherent right of every human to be universally free.
We agree to:
our organization with information to identify signs of trafficking and the steps to follow once identified.
awareness and understanding by encouraging dialogue within our organization in regards to human trafficking.
policies to include zero-tolerance for trafficking.
with anti-trafficking organizations in the effort to end modern-day slavery.
our organization as human trafficking free-zone.