5 Creative Activities to Try at Home


In honor of World Creativity and Innovation Day, we wanted to give you some fun ideas for you to try at home. We hope these ideas spark your creativity. Try some of them out with your family. Have fun and stay safe!




How many of us buy more books than we end up reading? If you're like me, you have a big stack of books at home that you haven't read yet. I seem to enjoy buying books, but I don't always get around to reading them. So if you have a little extra time this week, try reading a book.  




We all can use some time to relax or destress right now. Painting can be a very calming and fun activity. You don't need to be a trained artist or super artistic to try out painting. You also don't need a lot of supplies to make a great painting, just a few brushes, water, paint, and something to paint on. Here are some videos with fun and easy painting techniques you can try out:

Simple DIY PAINTINGS (watercolor + acrylic art) | XO, MaCenna

Easy Watercolor Painting Ideas for Beginners Step by Step




Have you ever wanted to learn photoshop? Or maybe video editing? Now is the perfect time! There are all kinds of free online courses or YouTube videos that can teach you how to edit. A lot of video editing services also offer free trials. This is a great skill to have and a lot of fun to learn. Try making a video of your own and edit it or maybe have a photoshoot at home.  



A New Exercise

Another great way to spend some of your extra time is by trying a new exercise. This might not seem like the most creative endeavor and first glance, but there are lots of ways to think outside the box when it comes to physical fitness. There is an endless number of online classes and tutorials online for different dance routines, yoga pose tutorials or exercise instructional videos. Find one that you like and try it out.  



An Online Class

Maybe you're interested in learning a new skill not previously mentioned above. There are all kinds of online classes available. Find an online class in something you like and take it! There are tons of different classes on SkillShare or Bluprint that you can take. Learning a new skill can be a lot of fun. Don't put any kind of pressure on yourself to be perfect, you will get better over time.


Remember, these activities are all intended to help you relax, have fun and practice being creative. We hope you enjoy this list and try some of our suggestions out!


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