Timbelo, Inc.

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Creating Space for Honesty

Here at Timbelo, one of our core values is Honesty. We think it's incredibly important to maintain honesty in everything you do, from your interactions with your co-workers to how you talk to yourself! But sometimes, maintaining honesty is easier said than done. Sometimes, being honest is scary! Whether you have to admit you were wrong, or simply show some vulnerability, telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth can be quite difficult. Yet it is absolutely vital for a business, or even a family, to run smoothly. That being said, we'd love to share some tips on how to help foster honesty in the workplace!

  1. Create a safe space for honesty to be shared. This one seems pretty basic, but fear of judgement or negative repercussions can stop someone from opening up.

  2. Leaders, set the example. If you are in any sort of leadership position, you need to set the example for your team! If they see their leaders owning up to mistakes and sharing difficult things, they'll do it, too.

  3. Share both negative and positive things. Often times when we think of honesty, we think about owning a mistake or being truthful about something bad. But communicating positive things is just as important. If you were impressed by someone else's work, tell them! We can all use a little bit of positivity and encouragement in our lives, especially during these unprecedented times.

Remember, even when it's hard, honesty is always the best policy!