Timbelo, Inc.

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Prepare for the Test

"Don’t resist the test, prepare for it – it’s how you pass.” 

There are many times in life when we are faced with a moment that makes us feel uncomfortable or uncertain. For most people, that uneasy feeling is enough to run. Instead of seeing it as a chance to grow, we see it as an unfair event attributed to accidentally opening an umbrella inside or spilling the salt shaker at the dinner table.  

We all go through that downward spiral of doom in our head when we see that person we didn’t want to see or that thing we didn’t want to happen just suddenly starts happening. Instead of clinging to our old thought patterns and going to that familiar place of fear, how about we decide to embrace the moment and give ourselves a little positive, “bring it on” pep-talk. Somehow, we are easily able to give our friends an inspiring chat when they are in need but we aren’t able to talk to ourselves in the same way. We have to remember that we can only control our own actions and thoughts. When we make a judgment, it is either coming from a place of love or a place of fear. Let’s decide to act and speak with love. Decide to show up in moments that are uncomfortable and take note of what you are feeling and find out why that is. The next time something comes up that was unexpected, we can look at it differently. We can see it as an opportunity to choose thoughts that will serve us and create a positive pattern of thought for the future.   



Lori Harder 
