Prosperity in the Marketplace

We believe in providing tools that take your leadership to the next level. Through this blog, you can expect to be equipped with ideas to enhance your mindset as a leader, transform your workplace culture, and be inspired by what other leaders are doing that is changing business.

Erin Pallotta Erin Pallotta


Change is inevitable. The sun will rise, and the sun will set. The seasons will change. Children will grow. Jobs may change. Hobbies may change. Doors may close. Doors may open.

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Barbara Hogan Barbara Hogan

So You Made a Mistake, Missed a Deadline, Blew it . . . Now What?

How many times [countless] have we all blown it, made mistakes, or missed deadlines and our knee jerk reaction has been to point to something other than ourselves as the reason. Essentially saying I’m not responsible for owning my actions, responsibilities, and commitments.

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Erin Pallotta Erin Pallotta

How Do You Measure Success?

Some believe success is relative to money; some believe success is relative to fame; some believe success is relative to the number of people who have heard their message, read their book, or seen their movie.

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Women in Business Barbara Hogan Women in Business Barbara Hogan

Gender Bias: Two Solutions

So, what does this HBR research mean to us as women? I keep going back to these two simple, yet powerful thoughts. Two thoughts that if they were to change, they would shift the paradigm of gender bias we all experience and have participated in as women.

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