Utilizing Empathy for Success in Business


“As the popular saying goes, people may not remember your actions, but they will remember how you made them feel. Through empathy, you can ensure your actions—which may be forgotten—contribute to positive feelings and experiences that are memorable in the long term. In addition, by building strong relationships you’ll create positive outcomes for yourself as well.” (Brower, 2019). 

In the article, "Think Empathy Is A Soft Skill? Think Again. Why You Need Empathy For Success." the author states how empathy can benefit us in areas of Identity, Cooperation, Innovation, and Influence. Empathy is an important skill that we should utilize on a daily basis to build relationships and connection with others. When we are intentional about empathizing with others, the people around us will feel more appreciated and valued. Just remember, you can’t fake empathy. You must be genuine in the way you approach learning and implementing this skill.  

Empathy is a powerful tool that should be more appreciated in the business world. The following statement I have found to be very true: "People may not remember your actions, but they will remember how you made them feel.” (Brower, 2019). When you meet someone for the first time you will be remembered by how the person felt when they were around you. The definition of empathy, according to the Merriam Webster dictionary, is “the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner.” Empathizing with others will set us up for success in our personal and business relationships. What kind of first impression would you like to make on others?  

Ask yourself the question, "How can I be more intentional about empathizing with others?" When you are engaging in a business deal or engaging with a work colleague, ask yourself, “Am I being sensitive to this persons thoughts, feelings, and ideas?” By asking yourself this question, you can become more aware of how people are thinking and feeling. You will be able to strengthen the connection you have with others, create lasting memories, and impact their lives.  



Brower, T. (Jun 16, 2019, 06:35pm). Think Empathy Is A Soft Skill? Think Again. Why You Need Empathy For Success. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/tracybrower/2019/06/16/think-empathy-is-a-soft-skill-think-again-why-you-need-empathy-for-success/#6942a8787

originally published: June 19, 2019


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