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What Does Good Communication Look Like?

Communication is vital to every aspect of our lives. How you communicate with others impacts every part of your life, from work to family and friends. Having strong, healthy communication at work is essential to not only your success but the success of those around you. This will be a series of posts that dig into what effective communication looks like and how you can start implementing it into your own life. 



What is communication? 

"the imparting or exchanging of information or news" 


Normally when we think of communication, our minds go straight to talking or having a conversation. As a whole, communication encompasses much more than that. It is an exchange, conveying thoughts, and expressing ideas. 


"Humans are social beings and communication is an important way we bind ourselves to others" (Arens). 


The Human Communication Process simplifies the process of communication by explaining the different pieces involved:




The source is the first party in the communication process. As the name implies, the source is the one providing the information or has ideas to share. 


Encoding the Message 

Once the source has a message to share they will encode it. Encoding is the way that they express their message. A source can encode using words or symbols. It is important to encode the message in a way the audience of the message will understand. 



The channel is the way the message gets to the receiver. Today, there are multiple outlets to get the message across. You can choose from social media, email, phone call, texting, a flyer, or a one on one conversation just to name a few.  


Receiver Decodes the Message 

The Receiver is the one who receives the message. Once the receiver gets the message it is their job to decode it. Decoding is taking the message in and interpreting it. 



After the message has been received, the Receiver has the option to give feedback. Feedback can confirm to the source that the information has been received. 



In the communication process, there can also be noise. Noise is anything that gets in the way of the receiver obtaining the message. Noise can be a distraction, physical noise, or even the receiver's mind being on other things.  


Why is it important to understand the communication process? 

While the communication process may be simple and straightforward it reminds us that we communicate in a lot of different ways.  In order to have good communication, we need to recognize that it’s more than just talking, it’s expressing a message to the people around us. The more we understand the communication process the more we can communicate effectively. 

Arens, William F., and Weigold, Michael F. Advertising. 3rd ed., McGraw Hill Education, 2015.