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Tuesday Food for Thought: What is your Burning Desire?

When we are young, we all have big dreams about what we want to accomplish someday. Nothing seems too big or unattainable. As we get older, however, inspiration, creativity, and uncontainable excitement start to wear away. The real world comes in with responsibilities and challenges and tends to make us lose focus on those big dreams of ours. Some may say that's a good thing because those dreams were never realistic in the first place. But what if we challenged that thought process? What if we tried to incorporate our passion into our life instead of trying to squash it? Who says zeal and responsibility can't coexist? After all, we each have different desires for a reason! This world would look very different if we all cared deeply about the same things, and it might even be a darker place if everybody ignored what drives them deep in their heart. Some of us have a burning desire to create. Others thrive when they're helping those around them. Some are driven by a passion for making everyday life beautiful, and still, others yet are brought to life by the solidness of logic and science.

So, what is your burning desire? What drives, motivates, and inspires you? What can you do to tap into that passion in your everyday life?