4 Tips on Working From Home



Get Dressed

On a normal workday, you would wake up, get dressed and prepare for the day. Don't stop your normal morning routine just because you aren't leaving the house. Getting dressed is a great way to get the day started and keep some normalcy. Getting dressed can help you get in the right state of mind to get work done. Even though getting dressed may seem like a small thing, it can be your first accomplishment of the day. You don't have to dress in full business attire, but a simple outfit can get you motivated to start the day. 


Separate Work Space

When you go into the office, you more than likely have a designated workspace. That space in your mind is associated with getting things done, focusing and being productive. It's important to set aside a space like this while working at home. Working in your bed may seem nice at first, but your mind associates your bed with rest. If you constantly work in your bed, your mind will no longer associate your bed solely with rest. The more time you spend in your bed awake, the harder it can be to fall asleep. You don't have to have a lot of space to do this. You could sit in a comfortable chair, the dining table, a desk, or even the floor. 


Schedule Your Time

Having a schedule can help you stay on task and get your work done. If you don't have a plan for your day, you aren't as likely to get everything done that you need to. If you list out your tasks and how much time you have it will help you stay on track throughout the day. Staying on task and knowing what needs to be done can help you get more done. There are all kinds of free calendar templates online that you can use to make a schedule. Hannah Ashton is currently offering a great free schedule on her website here: https://shophannahashton.com/collections/free-downloads/products/quarantine-routine-worksheet 


Don't Procrastinate

Working from home can mean more distractions. It is important not to give in to those distractions. If you get your work done first, you can spend time with your family, talking to friends or working on a hobby. The deadlines and tasks you have are just as real as when you were in the office working. It is important to get things done in a timely manner not only for your company but for yourself. To prevent stress, complete your work earlier in the day and then focus on other things.


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