Timbelo, Inc.

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You be You: Loved from the Heart of the Love She’s Known

In honor of a great American holiday, Thanksgiving, and in honor of the women in my life I want to simply say, “Thank you.”  

Thank you to those who together, we travel the hills, valleys, and mountains... together. Thank you for the hugs and tears, mixed with mine. Thank you for seeing through the clouds to blue skies. Thank you for being kind and clever, strong and sweet, gentle and powerful all at the same time! And thank you for being my friend!

Earlier this year I wrote this about us as women: 


This one sees beyond the eyes 

beyond the smile 

into the soul 

She dreams of peace 

encompassing visions of a YES filled future 

relentlessly pursuing relationship 

This one reaches for your hand 

because together is more important 

than alone 

. . . Her love is fierce! 

This one is remembering 

she is rising 

and rising well she will 

This one is woman 

and she is the Seer of the Soul!