Timbelo, Inc.

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You be You: The Corporate She-man

Recently I sat in a meeting with a successful female business owner. Her internal company was at a crossroad and it was an emotional time. As we began the meeting, I could see she was about to tear up . . . easy to recognize because I’ve been there. She did exactly what I had done; she got up, got something to drink and offered everyone something as well . . . then she quietly slipped out. We continued on with the meeting, she rejoined a few minutes later, we moved on. And it’s likely no one but her closest business partner and myself realized what happened.

I don’t think it’s any secret that at the top of the business mountain you tend to find more men than women. That being the case, it also shouldn’t be any secret that “typically” men think differently than women. Again, that being the case, it also shouldn’t be any surprise that with more men holding top leadership positions in business, the structure of corporate business is typically structured by the way men think. And because of this structure being predominantly male centric, it leaves very little room for women to enter . . . as women.

Disclaimer: This is not about men, nor is this in any way against men. I’m married to a man I love and respect very much, and we have two amazing sons, whom I am very proud to call my sons. No, this article is all about women.

What’s my point? I intend to continue exploring with all of you the answer to this question: How do women enter a predominantly male world of thought and structure and still powerfully be who we are made to be as women? Stop apologizing for who we are and start believing in who we are meant to be. To start, instead of asking or even demanding men to see us differently or treat us differently, we need to first see ourselves and each other (as powerful women) differently. And in so doing, we can discuss and learn how to bring ourselves, our true selves to that “big table” of decision making. To bring ourselves as capable, powerful, wise, intelligent beings who see connections that create a comprehensive picture of problem solving, vision, and forward movement. My hope in having this conversation is that we’ll awaken to who we truly are as powerful women. And at that moment there will be no stopping us as powerful women and powerful men.

So . . . Let’s begin the discussion of You being You. What does it look like for women to show-up powerfully, as women? How do we communicate? How do we handle conflict? How do we provide accountability? And how do we see each other as powerful women and applaud each other rather than use “B” words like “Bossy” or worse . . .?  How? And you . . . you are needed in this discussion because it’s time to stop asking women to be men. It’s time to figure out how to be the powerful women we were intended to be. What say you?

SPOILER ALERT:  Next week . . . You be You: Is it Okay to Cry at Work?