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Abolitionist Spotlight: Hope Johnston-Holm

This month's featured human trafficking abolitionist is Hope Johnston-Holm! Hope was born and raised right here in Cincinnati, and is currently studying Sociology, History, and International Human Rights at the University of Cincinnati. She was initially an International Relations Major, which allowed her to learn about the systems that make up our society, which lead her to learning more about human rights. As part of her degree program, Hope is working as a Program and Operations Intern with the Intercommunity Justice & Peace Center (IJPC). As the Program intern, she is a part of IJPC's Human Trafficking Program, where she's been working on a website that directs people in the greater Cincinnati area to anti-human trafficking volunteer opportunities nearby. Hope is really inspired by mission-based work and is passionate about breaking down barriers between education and action, so this project was right up her alley! She's loved getting to create something that helps everyday people get more involved in their community. Her next project involves a content analysis of language and imagery in international organizations. When she's wearing her "Operations Intern" hat, she helps with things like fundraising and reaching out to donors.

A fun fact about Hope is that she is a Master Naturalist! This mean's she's gone through an entire summer's worth of education on Ohio's geography, animal life, water systems, etc. In her spare time, she loves putting her Master Naturalist knowledge to work with volunteer opportunities. Each state has its own Master Naturalist class, so if she ever moves, she'll be able to take more classes wherever she goes!

Thanks, Hope, for your passion and enthusiasm for human rights and anti-human trafficking work. We can't wait to see what you do next!