Meet Our Cause Strategist: Hannah Barnes


Today, we'd like to introduce our Cause Strategist, Hannah Barnes! 

 When she first joined our  Timbelo team, Hannah was our Cause Blogger. She brought life to our Cause by educating others about the realities of trafficking to motivate them into action against it. Since joining our team, she has helped to expand our Cause through participation on our Strategic Advisory team and the creation of our Pledge against labor trafficking. Besides her work with us, Hannah is also a Pretrial Officer at the Hamilton County Justice Center. She interviews recent arrestees to help the judges better determine their bond at arraignment. Her favorite part about both of her jobs is they allow her to help others in different ways. At Timbelo, she can actively be part of the work against human trafficking, an issue she's always had a passion for. At the Justice Center, she has the opportunity to show kindness and compassion to people in vulnerable and challenging positions. 

Hannah received her Bachelor's degree from Cincinnati Christian University, where she studied psychology and pre-law. She has always known that her purpose in life was to help others. "I've always believed that every single person deserves to feel loved and safe," says Barnes. In college, she helped others feel loved and safe by volunteering at Weightless Anchor. Weightless is a hospitality home for the women in Lower Price Hill where they can receive basic needs like food and clothing and a community of people dedicated to supporting them. Hannah's time at Weightless Anchor prompted her to begin studying law and how people can use it to help others. She will begin law school in the fall, although she's still deciding where to attend. One thing she knows with confidence, however, is that she'll be serving others no matter what. 


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