Practical Tips for the Individual Advocate


Human trafficking is an enormous problem. It plagues every nation in the world, traffickers fly under the radar, and it causes trauma that lasts a lifetime. Looking at all of these factors, it's easy to become overwhelmed. Often, people will become convinced that individuals don’t have anything to offer to work against this problem. Thankfully, this simply isn't true! Everyone has something to offer and every helping hand counts. To help all of our individual advocates, we have started a series with some practical tips on how to join the work against trafficking!

Today's tip for the individual advocate: Volunteer!

All over the nation, there are organizations that support and empower survivors of human trafficking. From caring for those who are still in trafficking situations to supporting the futures of those who made it out, these groups provide essential services to survivors. Many of these wonderful spaces rely, at least partially, on volunteers who are willing to step in and work alongside them. This means that your time and energy are some of the most valuable things you could share in the work against human trafficking! In the greater Cincinnati area, there are a plethora of organizations you could volunteer with, including End Slavery Cincinnati. No matter what your talents, there's a place for you to help, so reach out and get involved!


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