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Practical Tips for the Individual Advocate

Human trafficking is an enormous problem. It plagues every nation in the world, traffickers fly under the radar, and it causes trauma that lasts a lifetime. Looking at all of these factors, it's easy to become overwhelmed. Often, people will become convinced that individuals don’t have anything to offer to work against this problem. Thankfully, this simply isn't true! Everyone has something to offer and every helping hand counts. To help all of our individual advocates, we have started a series with some practical tips on how to join the work against trafficking!

Today's tip for the individual advocate: Host a book club with books written by survivors!

There are plenty of human trafficking survivors who write about their experiences. Writing about their life helps them to tell their stories on their terms as well as helping them make money. Human trafficking survivors should always be compensated for their work and purchasing or reading their books help them to do that. Sharing those books with your circle of influence helps them to spread awareness, support survivors, and respect their stories. It also encourages discussion about these difficult issues. In a previous blog post, we compiled a list of some books written by survivors! If you're not sure where to start, check out "Frog in a Well: Turning Obstacles into Opportunities," by our very own Harold D'Souza!