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Practical Tips for the Individual Advocate | Fair Trade

Human trafficking is an enormous problem. It plagues every nation in the world, traffickers fly under the radar, and it causes trauma that lasts a lifetime. Looking at all of these factors, it's easy to become overwhelmed. Often, people will become convinced that individuals don’t have anything to offer to work against this problem. Thankfully, this simply isn't true! Everyone has something to offer and every helping hand counts. To help all of our individual advocates, we have started a series with some practical tips on how to join the work against trafficking!

Today's tip for the individual advocate: Purchase from organizations that do not use slave labor.

Consumers can be complicit in labor trafficking without even realizing. Sometimes even big, "name brand" corporations use trafficked labor. Because of this, it's important to do some research before pushing that "complete purchase" button online. Thankfully, there are plenty of resources out here to help. One of those resources is Fair Trade Certified. They have shopping guides organized by product or company to help guide consumers, and even include fair trade recipes. One of their very interesting components is a section of resources specifically for businesses who want to get fair trade certified! Shopping fair trade can seem overwhelming at first. But there are plenty fair trade options and places to shop out there, and it helps to decrease the drive for labor trafficking. Check out Fair Trade Certified to help you get started!