Six-year-Old's Bravery Leads to Arrest of Abuser


Fear is a paralyzing force. It can hold the strongest of us hostage as we try to do the right thing, the smart thing, but can't because "what if?"

What if nobody believes me?

What if something terrible happens because I tell the truth?

What if I get hurt?

Thankfully, none of these "what if's" stopped a six-year-old girl in Cambodia from telling her parents that she had been sexually abused. They didn't stop her parents either, as they believed their daughter and filed a police report. Thanks to this little girl's bravery, the man who assaulted her was arrested. During his arrest, Agape International SWAT team members discovered that he had media on his phone, proving that she was not his only victim. Those other little girls, too scared to share their trauma, are now receiving the counseling they need, and in December 2020, the perpetrator who abused them received an eight-year prison sentence. If it weren't for the bravery of one little girl, these girls never would've gotten the help they needed, and their abuser would've never faced the consequences of his actions.

To read the full story, follow the link below!


Coalition Podcast: Ambassador John Cotton Richmond


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