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Survivor Story | Carlos

For many people, America is seen as "the land of opportunity." People come from all over for safety, financial opportunity, and the chance to start over. That's what Carlos was looking for when he was offered a job here in the United States.

The child of an abusive father, Carlos grew up in Central America struggling to do better. Despite the odds, he did well in school and graduated from a local university! Tragically, gangs and cartels held enormous power where he lived, and he fell into working with one of them. When he was offered a new job in America, he jumped on the opportunity. When he got here, however, his job was nothing like he was promised. He worked in a traveling carnival, living in cramped, filthy shelters, working incredibly long hours, and received almost no pay. Labor trafficking also turned to sex trafficking, as his employers forced him to perform sexual acts with others for their financial benefit. He seemingly had no way out. Thankfully, an observant community member reported the carnival to local law enforcement and Carlos was able to leave and get the assistance he needed.

To read his full story, The DragonFly Home.