Survivors are the Experts


Each and every one of us are experts of our own experiences. Nobody knows what it's like to be in my shoes better than me, no matter how much research they do or how many details I give them. They'll never be inside my brain, nor will they live through the exact same experiences I have. Therefore, I am the expert on me and my life.

The same goes for the survivors of human trafficking. No matter how much a person reads or researches, they will never understand a human trafficking situation as well as the person who went through it. Now that's not to say that reading and research aren't helpful! In fact, being well-informed about an issue is vital to making a difference. Where you find the information, however, makes a big difference. In a previous post, we've discussed how listening to survivors is an important part of respecting them and their experiences, but that's not where the benefits stop. Learning directly from survivors is also an essential part of becoming well-informed.

Here is a list of resources to help you get started with survivor-shared stories. As you read, please be advised that some of these stories may be difficult to read, as they do share details about actual human trafficking stories.  


Abolitionist Spotlight | Scarlet Hudson


Survivor | Jose's Story