Practical Tips for the Individual Advocate


Human trafficking is an enormous problem. It plagues every nation in the world, traffickers fly under the radar, and it causes trauma that lasts a lifetime. Looking at all of these factors, it's easy to become overwhelmed. Often, people will become convinced that individuals don’t have anything to offer against this problem. Thankfully, this simply isn't true! Everyone has something to offer and every helping hand counts. To help all of our individual advocates, we have started a series with some practical tips on how to join the work against trafficking!

Today's tip: Join a coalition!

Ohio is home to plenty of anti-human trafficking coalitions that can help you get connected to resources, learn, and get involved in anti-human trafficking work. These coalitions are divided by geographic location. Click here to find a coalition in your area. In the Cincinnati area, we have the End Slavery Cincinnati Coalition. The coalition holds monthly meetings that are open to the public on every third Thursday of the month from 1-2PM. The meetings are held via Zoom. To receive a meeting link, contact


COVID-19 and Human Trafficking


Survivor Story | James Evans