Affirmations for Positive Self-Talk

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According to Psychology Today, 95% of our brain activity is beyond our conscious awareness. This means that a lot of our lives are affected by things we aren't even consciously thinking about! So, if we want to make our lives better, we have to change what's going on in our unconscious mind. Positive Affirmations are on way of doing that!

Here are some tips on implementing Positive Affirmations into your daily life.

  • Say your positive affirmations out loud!

  • Always use the present tense.

  • Avoid negatives. For example, say "I am healthy!" instead of "I'm not sick anymore." Focus on the health, not the sick.

  • Make your positive affirmations specific, simple, and direct.

Today, we'd like to share some positive affirmations to help promote positive self-talk. The way we talk to ourselves is just as important as the way we talk to others. Remember, if you wouldn't say it to your best friend, don't say it to yourself!

  • I am worthy of accomplishment, success, and abundance.

  • I am loveable.

  • I am intelligent, beautiful, and powerful.

Barbara Hogan

Barbara Hogan is the Founder, CEO, and President of Timbelo Inc. Barbara is a Sr. Ordained Chaplain and has spent her career helping marketplace leaders live out kingdom principles.

Over time, her role has expanded into that of a Chief Spiritual Officer (CSO) which includes spiritual guidance, relational healing, family mediation, retreat facilitation, prayer advocacy, accountability and training. Barbara has been credibly positioned as a woman in the CSO role so that she can raise other women up alongside her.

Barbara also speaks locally in the community as an advisor, panelist, facilitator/moderator, interviewer, and is a podcaster for fadedRED.

Tuesday Food for Thought


Positive Self-Talk