Take the Leap!

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 "Of course, you should write a book." - Seth Godin 

When we have an idea for something, whether it be a business, a product, a book, or even just a home project, we begin asking ourselves if we should go for it. Should I paint my walls a brighter color? Should I invent a new software program? Should I start selling my handmade scarves? Should I write a book? 

If it could make a difference in just one person's life, I think the answer is yes. 

I found an interesting statistic in Seth Godin's Akimbo podcast last week: "58% of adults in the United States won't pay for and read a book after they graduate high school... but the other 42% are showing up and trusting what they see: that a book communicates something to us." (Godin, 2019). I wonder how that statistic compares to the percentage of adults in the United States who never see their dreams become a reality. How many of us will step up to the plate and make things happen? Will you show up for yourself, for others, and share your wisdom with the world? 

As women, let us be part of that 42% who knows that something as simple as a thought can communicate something larger to the world. Paint the walls. Invent the software. Sell the scarves. Write the book. It may take a lot of gumption and courage to do something different, but someone, somewhere, might just need the very thing you're withholding out of fear of failure. 

"If you have something to say, something that will stand the test of time, getting it into the hands of the right person can make all the difference to them, and to you." (Godin, 2019). 

Embrace your gift and give it to others. Take the leap! 


Godin, S. (2019, February 20). Publish yourself. Podcast retrieved from https://overcast.fm/+L0YVl0Aqs

originally published: February 25, 2019


Take the Leap! Part II


How Do You Measure Success?