Take the Leap! Part II

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A few weeks ago, I shared my thoughts on Seth Godin's Akimbo Podcast episode, "Publish Yourself." (2019). I used writing and publishing a book as a metaphor for anything you want to do in life – anything as simple as painting your living room to starting a business. 

But what if the thing you want to do is actually, really truly, writing and publishing a book? As a student studying creative writing, writing a book and having it published has been on my dream list since my high school days. I hear you, aspiring writers! 

If you're looking for more information about writing and publishing a book, as well as how to overcome some of the obstacles you may run into in the process, check out Seth Godin's follow-up episode: "Publish Yourself QA." Take the leap, my friend! 

Have a listen here:  https://overcast.fm/+L0YUeCeHY

originally published: March 18, 2019

Barbara Hogan

Barbara Hogan is the Founder, CEO, and President of Timbelo Inc. Barbara is a Sr. Ordained Chaplain and has spent her career helping marketplace leaders live out kingdom principles.

Over time, her role has expanded into that of a Chief Spiritual Officer (CSO) which includes spiritual guidance, relational healing, family mediation, retreat facilitation, prayer advocacy, accountability and training. Barbara has been credibly positioned as a woman in the CSO role so that she can raise other women up alongside her.

Barbara also speaks locally in the community as an advisor, panelist, facilitator/moderator, interviewer, and is a podcaster for fadedRED.




Take the Leap!