Think Bigger



What does that word evoke in you? Excitement? Dread? Peace? Anxiousness? Sometimes, it feels like our to-do lists are miles long, a never-ending cycle. Rather than 7-day periods, the weeks run into each other until we wonder where the month has gone. 

Sometimes, Mondays are nothing more than the start of another week. But what if it's just that – a start. What if we choose to view today as a fresh start? No more looking at what you didn't get done last week, no more dreading the busyness that will be this week. What if we choose to operate out of gratitude for the fresh start we've been given today? 

What if, today, we choose to think bigger?  

"You can think bigger, simply by thinking – by choosing – to think bigger." - Seth Godin 


Godin, S. (March 13, 2019). Interoperability. Podcast retrieved from

Originally published March 25, 2019*


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