Survivor Story | Hope for Justice

Just as we want freedom for every single person who has been harmed by human trafficking, we also want justice to be served for those who have perpetrated that harm. Human trafficking is a notoriously difficult crime to prosecute, as traffickers are experts at flying under the radar. But today, we share a story of hope and justice.

In March, 2019, Agape International Missions (AIM) partnered with Cambodian law enforcement to arrest a  man named Danny Lee Pope. Pope's arrest occurred after the mother of an 8-year-old reported to local police that he had taken her daughter without her consent and sexually assaulted the girl. At this point, Cambodia’s Anti-Human Trafficking and Juvenile Protection Police (AHTJPP) got involved. They interviewed the little girl and found there were four other victims who had also been abused by Pope. Local law enforcement and the AIM SWAT team found and arrested Pope in a massage parlor and charged him with several counts of rape of a minor and soliciting child prostitution.

In March 2020, he was found guilty and sentenced to 12 years in prison. After serving his time in Cambodia, it is possible that he will also be extradited to the United States for a separate trial here.

The full story can be found here.


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